Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Act II Post Due. by Wednesday, March 23rd- 11:59PM. Comments Due. by Thursday, 03/24.

Our Nora looking glamorous and being "playful" with Torvald. 
I just finished looking over all of your posts for Act I and I cannot express how impressed I am with what you have written. Most importantly, every single person had more than one comment on their Blogs. That means that your peers went out of their way to read what you wrote and to leave you a meaningful comment. The replies to each other were extremely impressive and in-depth. I love that you are posing questions and encouraging others to answer them. Always make sure that your comments are not simple words of encouragement. You want to add on to what has been said in the post. 

For Act II you are going to do the exact same thing that you did for Act I. You are to analyze the characters, their actions, and their relationships with each other. Things got pretty hot and spicey with our characters in Act II and most of you had plenty to say. So now you can share your opinion (the clean version) with your peers. IMPORTANT: You must use in-text citations every time you include a quote (Ibsen 200).

As always, don’t forget to spell check. Also, don’t forget that you cannot leave comments on the same Blogs. The idea is to read different points of view and to support different individuals. By the end of our Blogging experience we want all students to have comments on at least one post. Please refrain from leaving comments such as, “Right…,” “I agree,” and “I feel the same way.” If you agree or feel the same way, then make explain why. Or if you disagree, then explain yourself. Minimum of 3- 4 sentences for each reply. 

Challenge yourself by posting thought provoking questions for your peers to answer and don’t forget your vocab words and QUOTES!

A couple of more weeks of working hard before our break. Remember, we still need to write our paper on A Doll's House and we will do it in the next two weeks after Easter Break. I will try to make the process as painless as possible. Meanwhile, I'll be daydreaming about being here...

I can see why Nora was so desperate to "save" her husband. Who doesn't want to "vacation" for an entire year due to too much STRESS?

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