Friday, February 28, 2014

First Post Due. Sunday, By 11:59PM

Setting up Blogs was not as tragic of an experience as last year and overall you have all been very patient. I am proud of those of you that took the time to meet with Ms. P and I for help and clarification. Also, we explored some interesting topics today in class and had great class discussions. It was so nice to hear some of your "controversial" views. That is just a little preview of some of the themes that we will explore while reading A Doll's House.

Now that you have created your very own blog, you are ready to write and publish your first post.

First, make sure that you email me (from your Gmail account) the URL to your blog so that I can add it to my blog list for our period (scroll down and look at the right of your screen for other Blogs). Your URL should look something like this:

Now on to your first post…

You can begin your first post by introducing yourself and stating what you have liked the most about our English class this year. Then, I want you to do some research on the author of A Doll's House. Therefore, you need to provide us with some facts on Henrik Ibsen. Explain how you think the title of the play relates to what the play may be about or how it may even relate to the author. Also, what themes and symbols does the play focus on? This can be done in two paragraphs. Remember, you MUST have minimal grammatical mistakes. Luckily Blogger already has a spell check option incorporated into their system, so use it! Please cite your information because if you do not, then it is plagiarism and you will not receive credit for your work. Simply including the link(s) at the end of your post will do. Also, you are not copying and pasting the information you find. You are paraphrasing!

Want to get creative? Add some pictures and even videos. Just remember that it must be relevant to what you are writing about/discussing.

Isn't he handsome?

At this point it is hard to say when we will begin reading the play because of the snow and HSPA testing next week. But if all goes well, we can start on Friday!

Any questions? Hit the "Student Opinions" button and ask away.

ps: You do not need to comment on Blogs for this assignment. 

pss: Do NOT forget to complete VISUAL VOCAB for Act I.

Have fun! :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Welcome Fabulous Class of 2016!

Congratulations on setting up your Blogs! Many of you, if not most, have no experience with Blogging. This will expand your learning experience and you will get a little taste of a virtual classroom. So let's have some fun! There will probably be a few hiccups along the way, but just be patient and I will work with you so we can take advantage of this awesome opportunity.

You are going to LOVE reading this play as a class. It has a little bit of everything...lies, betrayal, love, friendship, forgery, and scandal. Who doesn't like a little scandal now and then? ;)

Once you have created your Blog, please post a comment in reply to this post. Just click below on "student opinions." Please remember to keep it clean and "professional." Leaving a comment will count as a homework grade. Also, don't forget to mention your name!

Then, email me (from your Gmail account) the URL to your Blog so that I can add it to my Blog List for our period ( Look to your right, scroll down... you see the different periods? That is where the link to your Blog will be). Your URL should look something like this: This will also count as a homework assignment.

Basically, you are being given the opportunity to receive two easy homework grades.
1) Comment on this post
2) Email me your Blog link

Enjoy #BloggingOnADollsHouse and enjoy all the #drama related to the play!

See you soon... :)