Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Act I Post Due by Monday, March 18th. Comments Due by Tuesday, 03/19.

What could this picture symbolize?
I want to begin by congratulating all of you on your hard work with setting up your Blogs and then working on your first post. I was able to read all of your Blogs and leave you all comments! (I did it! Only about 300 more posts to read and comments to leave!)

For your Act I post keep in mind that you are NOT writing a summary. Instead you are offering your insight on the characters, their inner struggles and development, as well as your views and opinions of the plot. The requirement is 2 paragraphs minimum.

Other requirements:

*At least 3 vocabulary words from Act I

*QUOTES! Look at your Study Guide for quotes you have written.

* Reply to a minimum of 4 people from any of my classes. (Comment on your own post telling me who you commented on.)

Some questions to keep in mind as you Blog or Vlog:

-+-+- Who do the characters remind me of and why? Can you relate the characters and plot to other characters we studied or other literary works?

-+-+- How do I feel about the interaction between certain characters and what would I do if I were in their situation?

-+-+- What questions can I ask to help my peers engage in a “conversation” about my post?

These questions are only meant to guide you. Your post should not be composed of simple answers to these questions. Take a look at the rubricso you can view the requirements to become a Platinum Blogger. We highlighted and underlined all the important requirements you want to focus on.

Most importantly, have fun reading other Blogs, especially from students in my other periods, and commenting. In addition, write properly (punctuation, spelling, word choice, etc.).

Creativity is welcome! You can try Vlogging (Video Blogging), but a writing portion to the assignment is still required. 2 paragraphs minimum



  1. Omg!! First comment!! Well, I think the picture above shows Nora and how she's being controlled. First Helmer in their relationship, then Krogstad with blackmail. She got herself in quite a pickle.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. commented on Leah's , Kelly's, Joe Silva's and Tiffany's

  4. the picture symbolizes how, Nora, is tangled up and trapped herself with all the lies and secrets she holds within... Will she be able to over come the the obstacles that she will face, or fail and become a disgrace to Helmer

  5. I commented on Deonna, Tommy, Christy, and Kai.

  6. I think the picture symbolizes control. I feel like the doll is Nora in this case. Torvald is the string holder and is completely controling Nora.

  7. I commented on Sam, Tiff, Carlos, and Omar

  8. commented on Kelly and Daniella and mechara and danny

  9. Wow! Great responses! Everyone has such a different perspective of the play and Nora herself. Love it!

  10. Please tell me the Blogs you commented on by leaving a comment on your own post.
