Congratulations on setting up your Blogs! Many of you, if not most, have no experience with Blogging. This will expand your learning experience and you will get a little taste of a virtual classroom. So let's have some fun! There will probably be a few hiccups along the way, but just be patient and I will work with you so we can take advantage of this awesome opportunity.
Blogging will help you with typing and learning how to write properly for a specific audience. Also, navigating Blogger will help you learn a different format of media and interaction, as well as help you become more comfortable with a different writing outlet. I follow many many Blogs on a daily basis and people actually make a living from Blogging. Maybe you can too one day!
You are going to LOVE reading this play as a class. It has a little bit of everything...lies, betrayal, love, friendship, forgery, and scandal. Who doesn't like a little scandal now and then? ;)
Once you have created your Blog, please post a comment in reply to this post. Just click below on "student opinions." Please remember to keep it clean and "professional." Leaving a comment will count as a homework grade. Also, don't forget to mention your name! Include the URL to your Blog in your comment so that I can add it to my Blog List for our period ( Look to your right, scroll down... you see the different periods? That is where the link to your Blog will be). Your URL should look something like this: This will also count as a homework assignment.
Basically, you are being given the opportunity to receive two easy homework grades.
1) Comment on this post
2) Include your Blog link in the comment
Enjoy #BloggingOnADollsHouse and enjoy all the #drama related to the play!
See you soon... :)